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lunes, 2 de enero de 2012

Happy New Year from Cusco

Happy New Year to one and all may it be a happy and healthy one, special happy wishes to my parents and family, hope it is wonderful one.

So after our successful Christmas fair that seems so long ago we took a week off which was wonderful. We spent the time just above Maras in our friends house where we had lots of naps and good food, enjoyed the nice weather and also went to see the worm beds where they are making organic hummous so that the Sacred Valley can return to be an organic paradise once again.
We spent 2 days doing the garden, planting new grass and different flowers, was truly a real break, a bit strange to be back at work and making soap again.
We have to get on and see what the new year brings us, but we wish everyone a wonderful New Year.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello my dear Fiona, HAPPY NEW YEAR FOR YOU!!! we wish you all the best, I know this year is going to be good for everyone, I miss you all, I miss our adventures in Peru, I miss my family and miss PERU. Take care, and we promise we will going back soon. Lots of love and GOOD LUCK WITH THE BUSINESS.

  2. Lots of love to you too Razl Dazl. Fiona,
